Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) Awareness Campaigns
In partnership, KUSD collaborates with the Greater ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ Community Alcohol and Other Drugs Awareness Committee to improve and support the safety, health, well-being, and positive development of its students. The program strengthens alcohol and other drugs prevention strategies and intervention related issues, provides anti-bullying/harassment training, support for violence prevention resources, peer-to-peer student initiatives that build and strengthen , school safety equipment, and parent education and leadership development programs through the ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ Parent Network.
Greater ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ Community Alcohol and Other Drugs Awareness Committee
- Contests: The committee annually sponsors an array of contests that focus on promoting alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse (ATODA) prevention awareness. Contests include slogan, poster, creative writing, and a special program award.
- Special Project Award: All schools can apply for an award to implement a special program and/or project that will have a lasting impact on and education of children and youth regarding the effects of ATODA.
- High School Scholarship: A $500 scholarship is awarded to a high school student. A student may enter by writing a poem, essay and/or musical piece. See high school counselors for criteria.
ATOD Awareness Slogan Contest
. The contest will run from May 1-15, 2023.
Concerned Citizens Coalition
- Drug-Free School Zones: Drug-Free School Zone signs is a national effort to deter the sale of drugs to children and youth. The U.S. Congress passed a law in 1988 and Wisconsin passed a parallel law in 1989 which indicated that an increase of five years imprisonment for anyone attempting to deal drugs within 1,000 feet of a public park, swimming pool, youth center, community center, and public or private schools. In 1990, the Concerned Citizens Coalition initiated the project throughout ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ County. The signs are sponsored by the Coalition, in cooperation with the ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ. All schools and youth organizations may request a sign.
- Red Ribbon Campaign: The National Red Ribbon Campaign is celebrating its 29th anniversary this year throughout ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ County. The red ribbon began as a symbol of hope for people taking a stand against illegal drugs and the misuse of legal drugs. The annual ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ County Red Ribbon Campaign is a jointly sponsored event between the Coalition and the District’s Community School Relations Program. For additional information on the history of the Red Ribbon campaign, refer to .
- Teen Task Force: A group of adolescents that promote healthy choices and drug-free lifestyles. This group provides activities, community service projects, and peer-to-peer mentoring for youth throughout ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ County.
- Youth and Family Activity Guide: A ³ÉÆ·ÈËÊÓƵ County area resource guide for families and residents of the county. The guide provides information on different volunteer opportunities, events, and resources that occur throughout the year.